Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Don't Let These Credit Mistakes Happen to You

There are so many different ways that you can make mistakes on your credit report. In many cases, the mistake might not even be one that you made. If you are not diligent in keeping up with your credit history, then your credit score and purchasing power can suffer greatly. There are many mistakes that you can make that you should never want to appear on your credit report, however. These might happen because you just do not realize how negatively they might impact your life. Keep in mind that a bad credit score won't just earn you a credit rejection, but it might cost you a coveted job.

If you miss a payment for more than six months for a particular lender, chances are that the creditor will choose to write off the account. This means that the lender has deemed your debt as uncollectable. You might feel the relief when the calls cease, but you are in for a nasty surprise when you check your credit report. These charged off accounts will remain on your credit report for seven years, and every potential lender that checks your credit history will see that you allowed an account to reach default status.

You may also find that the creditor has turned your charged off account to a debt collector. This means that the debt collector has purchased your debt from the original account. For this reason, debt collectors will try even harder than the lender to collect on debts, because this is how they recoup their investment. Not only will the phone calls begin again, but the debt collector will have the power to report negative entries on your credit report, as well. This means that you will have twice the bad press for only one charged off account.

You can keep this from happening to you. If you believe that you will be late making a payment, be sure to contact the lender or creditor to let them know. Many creditors are happy to work with you until you are able to get back on your feet again. If you have had a life-changing event that could prevent you from making payments for several months, then you should definitely alert your creditors. There are often payment plans and other programs in place to help customers get through hard times, and you can get back on top without affecting your credit score.

Also for more information on improve credit scores and credit report dispute visit creditumbrella.com

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