Friday, July 23, 2010

The Problem with Credit (And One Great Solution)

Where does the problem with credit start? Many believe that it is a generational problem dating back to the baby-boomer era. In the old days, when our fathers still knew their fathers and grandfathers, we as a country were recovering from The Great Depression. (Imagine a recession like we have going now but ten times as bad) When the Depression was lifted, the country seemed to learn the concept of credit; it wasn’t a free license to spend. Credit was something valuable, a note or a promise to pay within the month.

Nowadays, we are bombarded with TV advertisements and Internet ads, encouraging us to spend. In the 1950s and 1960s we were not exposed to the shamelessness of today’s modern advertising world. Today, children are being taunted to spend money with their credit card, as if these cards are free gift certificates. Make no mistake about it—the spending problems of the average consumer make up an important part of our nation’s troubled economy.

Whether you are in serious debt or have a perfect credit score that you cherish, you should strongly consider ordering credit repair software. You also have the option of subscribing to a credit-reporting agency that lets you check your credit score as often as you want. This is important, as new credit items can be reported at any time; a once-a-year review will not be much help to you.

If you are in serious debt then you should take steps to make sure that your payments are going through and delinquent notices are being removed as they are paid. If you have perfect credit, then make sure that your credit file is free from fraudulent charges. This happens more often that we would like to think—75% of all credit reports contain erroneous charges!

Be a part of the solution, not the problem. Take your credit score seriously by checking your file on a regular basis.

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